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Mezcal Avecanor con Damiana

Damiana is a wild plant that has been used by indigenous cultures as an aphrodisiac and because of its medical properties. Now, for the first time ever, you can enjoy its alleged qualities in a herbal Mezcal form in the Netherlands.

You should taste this Mezcal with Damiana to pick up an interesting flavor of the faint herb in combination with a Cupreata agave Mezcal.

Maestro mezcalero: Marcos Godínez
Volumen: 700 ml.
Nombre local del agave: Cupreata
Origen: Guerrero, México

Mezcal Avecanor

Speaking of mezcal AVECANOR is talking about “Tradition”. A tradition comes to the centuries of history likes ower Guerrero State of México, a dedication in their development that has passed from generation to generation, ensuring its quality and their exquisite flavor.
Mezcal AVECANOR is an authentic Mexican product, made with carefully selected agaves that grow and Bloom in lavish lands of Guerrero State of Mexico, The variety of agaves is Cupreta Trel And Berger, of a big size and beautiful view, it requires until 10 years for its harvest.


As a result of the efforts of the producers, the Mezcal Avecanor already has certified factories.
To meet the Standard Specificatios Oficial Mexican (NOM-070), must have products that are fit for human consumption, thus assuring consumers the confidence to enjoy mezcal of Guerrero.

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